Wealth Management
True Wealth Management integrates the various elements of your financial life to ensure everything is working together towards your goals. Our one fee, based on a percentage of your assets under management, includes:

Investment Strategy
Do you understand and have confidence in your investment strategy so that you can maintain the necessary discipline in all market conditions? Are you taking the appropriate amount of risk to reach your goals? Is your investment strategy rooted in evidence-based (scientific/academic) research or speculation? We plan, implement, monitor, adjust and report the returns of your investment strategy to ensure your peace of mind on the management of your wealth..
Tax Plan
Are your investments structured and managed to produce optimal after tax returns? Do you know your after tax spending needs in retirement? Is there complete coordination of your tax strategies with your investment strategy, retirement spending plan and estate plan?
Tax Prep
Does the theory of your tax plan match up with the reality of your actual tax return preparation? Our one fee includes not just tax planning, but implementing the plan by preparing the tax return accordingly.
Estate Plan
Is your estate plan current and reflective of your goals for wealth transfer, health care directives and financial power of attorney? Is a trust appropriate? Are your beneficiary designations coordinated with your estate plan? Is your estate plan tax efficient? We work closely with you and your estate planning lawyer to ensure the plan works for you.
Retirement Plan
Are you saving enough to retire? Is your spending plan in retirement appropriate? Are you taking more or less risk in your investment strategy than necessary to be financially secure? Does your retirement plan optimize tax implications? We develop a retirement plan you can understand. We continually update the plan to keep you on course for long-term financial security.
Risk Management
Are you over or under insured? We provide an independent review of your insurance needs - life insurance, long-term care, disability, auto and home. We do not sell insurance so we have no financial motive to recommend anything other than what is in your best interest. If you have an insurable need, we can recommend ethical and competent insurance professionals to address those needs.